CS 373 Spring 2021 Week 6: Joseph Graham
- What did you do this past week?
This past week my group and I met up multiple times. We first met up to discuss which idea we should choose for our database. We ended up choosing a fitness theme where we store models for workouts, locations, and equipment. We met up again this weekend to get our project integrated with Amazon Web Services and obtain a URL to use with it.
2. What’s in your way?
Just like many other people in this class, the winter storm that happened last week definitely affected me. My apartment lost power and water for multiple days, but thankfully I was able to carefully drive down to my parent's house nearby and take shelter. Not working for over a week kind of threw me for a loop and I am still getting back into the groove of things.
3. What will you do next week?
My group and I plan to continue meeting up throughout this week to finish up phase one of the project. We split our team up into two groups, one for the backend, which will comprise of designing and testing the RESTful API, and the other being the frontend, which will comprise of using Bootstrap as a CSS framework and designing the UI. I am on the backend side, but I’m sure we will all be contributing to both sides as time goes on.
4. If you read it, what did you think of the Single Responsibility Principle?
I thought this reading was interesting because I never heard of this principle before. It makes sense to separate responsibilities so that changes don’t become too rigid, but what seems difficult to me is spotting coupled responsibilities. I’m sure it just takes time and practice, but as the author said, it’s within our nature to make connections and group things together.
5. What was your experience of IDB1 and reduce? (this question will vary, week to week)
My experience of both so far is pretty solid. IDB1 was somewhat difficult when setting up AWS. We followed the helpful blog post sent by the instructors which helped a lot, but much of it still went over my head. I’ll definitely need to do some more research on my own to fully understand how AWS operates.
6. How did you fare in the storm?
As I talked about above, the storm hit my area (west campus) pretty badly. My apartment lost power for at least 5 days, and after that lost water for even longer. I was lucky enough to live close to my family so that I could escape there for food, water, and heat. Things are just now settling back down to normal, but there are still adverse effects such as construction around my apartment, and poor souls moving out from their rooms flooding from pipes bursting. Thankfully, it seems I got pretty lucky in that the worst I have to worry about is a water leak in my fridge.
7. What made you happy this week?
What made me happy this week was getting to restock up on groceries after needing to throw nearly everything out of my fridge from last week. I’ve never really appreciated how nice it is to not worry about food until this moment in my life. This whole winter storm experience definitely put some perspective on my life and I’m pretty grateful for the situation I have.
8. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My tip-of-the-week is to do some research on network concepts such as DNS to have a better understanding of the first part of the project, especially when it comes to setting up AWS and your own URL. I’m currently taking Computer Networks along with this course, and what we’ve learned about DNS in that class has helped me understand better what we need to do here.